FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

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Our AI chat model, powered by advanced algorithms, helps users in two key ways: it streamlines the process of listing properties by asking relevant questions about location, budget, and property type; and it assists buyers in finding suitable properties by inquiring about their specific preferences and needs.

No, our platform is currently free to use for both buyers and sellers. We are committed to providing a cost-free, efficient real estate solution to our users.

Listing your property is easy and user-friendly. Just interact with our AI chatbot, which will guide you through a series of questions to capture all the necessary details about your property. This ensures a comprehensive and accurate property listing on our platform.

To update your listing, simply navigate to your property listing on our website and manually make the desired changes. This feature allows you to keep your property information current and accurate.

If you need assistance or have any queries, you can reach out to us via email at business@invortorealtech.com or via WhatsApp at 7021984866. We strive to provide prompt and helpful responses to all inquiries.